Dear Ms. Demeanor: Trapped between two rival board neighbors
Dear Ms. Demeanor,
My two next-door neighbors are heads of competing factions on the coop board. They knock on my door at night and trash-talk the other. How do I stay somewhat neighborly and neutral while still having friends/advocates on the board?
Sweetly Switzerland
Dear Sweetly,
Actually, Switzerland isn’t so sweet. Take a lesson from a country as famous for its army knives as its chocolate: Fight hard to look as though you are not fighting.
A few noncommittal but supportive comments may be helpful: “That must be very frustrating.” “It sounds like you have your work cut out for you.” “What a thankless job! You are so great to donate your time.”
However, if you really want a voice on the board, get on the board and then the two trash-talkers can start trash-talking you instead of each other.
In the meantime, to avoid the late-night knocks, whether on or off the board, tell the neighbors you go to sleep at 8 pm and then remember not to sing too loudly during Glee reruns.
Ms. Demeanor is channeled by a longtime Manhattan vertical dweller and real-estate voyeur who writes under the pen name Jamie Lauren Sutton. She is here to commiserate, calm and correct. Please email your quandaries to
See all Ms. Demeanor's advice here.