Sub-Zero vs Liebherr: Which is better?

A debate on the merits of luxury built-in fridge Sub-Zero vs the less pricey and potentially less resale-worthy Liebherr is unfolding on StreetEasy today, with Liebherr pulling ahead.
“Both have the great freezer-on-the-bottom design,” says one Liebherr-owning commenter. “Both are designed so the fridge layout makes good, efficient sense. The subzero styling was a little cliche to me and I found the Liebherr a little more refreshing and unexpected but only in a very subtle way since they are so similar overall. I liked the Liebherr freezer better as I recall. Those drawers are very useful for organizing and finding stuff. Of key importance to me, since all other things were essentially equal notwithstanding the above small things, was the Liebherrs have a much better service record. I HATE, hate, hate broken things in the apartment and having to deal with servicing them. Maintenance records matter a lot to me. And Subzeros have more stuff go wrong.”
Another agrees: “I've had a liebherr for about 4yrs (30" w/panels). The layout is excellent - I am consistently amazed at how much we can fit in it. The extra height vs. more run of the mill names is very useful in a NYC apartment. Very quiet. No need for a service call.”
But what about resale value? Won’t Sub-Zero appeal to more buyers?
Not necessarily, chimes in broker Matthew Russell at Brown Harris Stevens: “Don't get me wrong, the person you sell to will be thrilled to have a Subzero. But if it doesn't make sense in your space/building, go with the Liehberr.”